24 Sep What Is The Instagram Algorithm Telling You?
Are you struggling to grow your Instagram account and get noticed?
Then this blog post is for you!
The number one thing that Instagram Algorithm is telling you is to Create Better Content!
If you are struggling with getting engagement on Instagram then it is probably because you are not creating content that is engaging. I thought the Instagram algorithm was playing a major role in my lack of engagement. I didn’t understand why my numbers were dropping. But trust me the algorithm isn’t out to get you.
Instagrams goal is to keep users on the app for as long as possible. They do this by showing them content that they actually want to see and in order for them to show your content, you need to create content that is engaging to your followers.
Here are 3 things you can do right now to beat the algorithm!
1. Look at how you engage with accounts? Are you engaging with people’s posts?
2. Look at the hashtags you are using. Are they working? Do you use the same ones over and over? Are you choosing one’s with over a million posts already or are you choosing smaller ones?
3. Ask yourself if you’re using all the tools that Instagram gives us.
If you are still struggling or not sure where to start or what hashtags are please reach out to me! I would love to help you grow your Instagram and beat the algorithm.
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