24 Sep 4 Things You Can Do For Your Business Right Now
If you are quarantined in your home can your business survive?
I wrote an email like this at the beginning of March in my weekly newsletter but I decided to write a blog post about it because I think it is important for everyone to see!
1. Act as if it is happening right now!
Right now you should act as if what is happening in the world is at its worst… No one is contacting you for take-out, no one is wanting to sell their home or buy a home, no one is even wanting to leave their home. Start a plan that if that possibility would happen what would you do and how would you keep your business going? We may already be in the worst but act as if this is going to last until June and no one can leave their homes. What what you do?
2. Get Creative
Think outside the box! Come at it from every angle and think of ideas that you can do. But also be realistic… For example, if you have clients wanting to buy a home but they don’t want to see the home in person have the clients Facetime you. If you are a personal trainer offer a live workout 2X a day with your clients.
3. Help Your Clients
Make sure your clients know what you are doing to help them! Announce it on social media, send emails, tell the whole world what you are doing! It doesn’t matter if someone copies you, it matters that you are showing up! Also, don’t forget to keep reminding them that you are still open and you are able to help.
4. Take Care of Yourself and Your Team
Have a meeting with your team explaining what is happening and what you are thinking about doing. Including them in your decisions means the world to them because they are being affected by this too. You also want to make sure you are taken care of as well. Eat your greens, drink your water, and take your vitamins!
The secret to growing your business is to connect more on social media! There are more people on social media now then there have been! Have a plan in place of what content you are going to post, what you are going to do and how!
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